The program was developed in accordance with art. 8 of Decree № 4 of the Council of Ministers from 2005 to establish a Center For Educational Integration Of Children And Young Students From The Ethnic Minorities (published in the State newspaper copy 7 from 2005 changed and complemented in copy 40 from 2006 copy 79 from 2009 copy 16 from 26.02.2010) and article 4 from the Rules of the structure, activity and organization of work of CEICSEM, adopted by Decree № 108 by Council of Ministers in 2006 (published in the State newspaper copy 40 from 2006).
The Center for educational integration of children and students from the ethnic minorities, hereinafter called as the “Center”, was created to support the government policy regarding the educational needs of the children and students from the ethnic minorities by the means of an integrated approach. This policy has its own framework “ The national program for development of the school and preschool education and preparation (2006 – 2015)”, which brings out as the main objective of the system the equal access of a quality education. It specifically notes that the equal access “does not mean” equal care to all children differentiation of care to their different needs”. This means that for “the children who don`t have an equal start, it is necessary to be taken special care of ensuring their full participation in the educational process.”
The activity of the Center is focused on the implementation of the priorities, set in the “Strategy for educational integration of children and students from the ethnic Minorities”, the National action plan for the “Decade of the Roma inclusion 2005 – 2015” in the “Framework program for integration of Roma in the Bulgarian society”, where the educational integration is taken as a first and key area for the integration of Roma in the Bulgarian society and in the action plan, of the“National strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria for the Roma integration 2012 – 2020”. The activity is based on the “Program for development of education, science and youth policy in the Republic of Bulgaria (2010 – 2015)”.