The action plan is elaborated in accordance with article 8 of Decree № 4 of the Council of Ministers from 2005 for the establishment of a Center for educational integration of the children and students from ethnic minorities (made public, State newspaper, copy 7 form 2005, changed and expanded in copy 40 from 2006) and article 4 from the Regulations book for the establishment, activities and organization of the Center for educational integration of the children and students from ethnic minorities, which was adopted with a decree № 108 of the Council of Ministers in 2006 (State newspaper, copy 40 from 2006).

The Center for educational integration of the children and students from ethnic minorities, which will be called „The Center“ in short, was established to help the implementation of the government policy regarding the educational needs of the children and students from ethnic minorities. This policy has got as its framework the National program for the development of school and preschool education and preparation (2006 – 2015). The Program’s main goal is the equal access to quality education as it specifically mentions that the equal access „doesn’t mean equal care for all children, but differentiating that care according to their different needs“. That means that „those children who don’t have an equal start need to have special care regarding their adequate participation in the educational process“.

The activities of The Center will be based on a complex of special strategic measures which forms the policy for educational integration of the children and students from ethnic minorities reflected in the Strategy for educational integration of the children and students from ethnic minorities called „The strategy“ in short below and accepted by the minister of education and science on 11 June 2004.

The action plan for the Center’s activities for the period 2007 – 2009, further called „the three-year action for the Center’s activities“ reflects the principles and directions based in the Strategy and helps with their implementation. The Strategy identifies the problems in front of the educational integration and classifies them as common and specific for each ethnic group. It brings to five main strategic goals to which will be directed the Center’s activities during the next three years.

Action_plan.doc (72.5 KB)