Accepted with a decree of the Council of Ministers №108 from 8 May 2006, published in the State newspaper, copy 40 from 16 May 2006

Chapter one


Art.1 With this regulations book the structure, activities and organization of working of the Center for Educational Integration of Children and Students from Ethnic Minorities , called „The Center“ further in the document.

Art.2 (1) The Center is a juridical person under article 60 of the Law for Administration with main office in Sofia and with a total number of the staff  6 people, including the Director.

(2) The Center is a secondary unit with budget credits at the Minister of Education and Sience.

Art. 3. (1) The Center makes calls for proposals, gives financial support to projects which aim at encouraging the equal access to quality education and improving the results from the upbringing and education of children and students from ethnic minorities in Bulgaria.

(2) Equal access to quality education is provided by joint education and upbringing of children and students by different ethnic origin in the built-up areas where there are preconditions for that and by providing  extra educative work with students who have gaps in their education

Art.4 (1)  The Center’s activities are realised according to the three-year action plan, accepted by the Council of ministers, which contains the priorities and measures which will be financed by the Center

(2) On the grounds of the program under article 1 The Center prepares annual plans which will be accepted by the Board of Managers

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