About us

A Centre for Educational Integration of Children and Students from Ethnic Minorities (CEICSEM) was established by Decree 4 of the Council of Ministers from 11 January 2005. The establishment the Centre itself was preceded by the adoption of a Strategy for educational integration of children and students from ethnic minorities, approved by the Minister of Education on 11 June 2004.

CEICSEM was created to support the implementation of government policies regarding the educational needs of children and students from ethnic minorities. The policy has as its framework the National Programme for school and preschool education and training 2006-2015. The programme states the main objective of the system as equal access to quality education, explicitly noting that equal access “does not mean equal care to all children, but differentiation of care to their specific needs”. It means “it is necessary to take special care of children, who do not have equal start, to ensure their full participation in the educational process”.

The strategy identifies the problems facing educational integration and classifies them as general and specific to each ethnic group. It derives three main strategic objectives whose fulfillment will be targeted by the activities of the Centre over the next three years.